02 September 2009

Henna-Dulhan Edition

You wouldn't even believe how excited I am! So, Kev and I found an
Indian market last week, and I found all sorts of goodies! He actually
got jealous, allegedly I don't get that excited to see him. I do...I
just don't show it! Lol So anywhoo, I got vatika oil, amla gold oil,
brahma, shikakai and neem powders, neem oil (why did no one tell me
about the smell?!), glycerin and rose petal powder. Oh yea, and Medimix
soap. So I went a lil crazy...sue me...

We went back the other day, and I decided I wanted to try out some of
that Dulhan henna that the curly kids keep raving about. The henna I use
came from FNWL, and it's *ok*, but...the texture leaves a lot to be
desired...A LOT. So I mixed a third box of dulhan with neem and brahma.
I didn't want to adulterate the results too much. No oil, no
honey...just powder. I pre-cleansed with shikakai, neem and brahmi
powder for about 20 minutes before I applied the dulhan.

Can I just say...this stuff mixed like BUTTA!!! It literally felt like I
was simply putting in condish! Im attempting to NOT be impatient Pam and
allow it to do what it does...although I did peek, just once. My hair
actually looks darker than it did with the FNWL henna. It made it look a
little sandy brown, mahogany in the sun. Im VERY excited to see what
happens in the morning. I feel like a kid at Christmas! Can't wait to
open my package...by the by, we found another Indian market around the
corner from the one we frequent, so we'll be checking there for
Jamilla...oh, sweet Jamilla. Why do you hide from me?? woot woot!!

The question still remains...with what will I DT?? Updates and pics and
madness to ensue!

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