22 August 2009

Olive-honey experiment--day one

So...the PJ (product junkie) in me couldn't resist! I remembered on my
way to Kev's house (is that bad? Im thinking of hair when Im with my
fiancee...hm.)that I have miscellaneous honey and olive oil in my hair
pantry. I keep my hair food separate because I don't want anyone to
ingest henna by mistake! Anywhoo, I thought id make a mask of the olive
oil and honey. Both are really good for thirsty curls, which I have at
the moment.
16 pumps of Aussie Moist (so lovin this stuff again!)
1 oz olive oil
1 tablespoon of honey
-I mixed it past the weird lumpy phase until it was creamy again. Im
currently resisting the urge to taste it...shut up, don't judge me! :o)

I was going to mix it with bentonite clay, but I seem to be out.
--sidebar, bentonite is REALLY good for curl clumpage!! Phat, juicy
squiggles all ova!--

The comb coil experiment lasted all of a week, which is about how long I
wanted it to last. I so don't have the patience to try and part out the
back of my head.

I just added more honey and olive oil to the mix...it tastes kinda
sweet...like I said...shut it up! Looks like vanilla pudding...mmmm...

So Im thinking of washing with either Pravana color safe shampoo
(sulfate free is great for meee!) or Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special
(looove the tingle!). My PJ'ism is only exacerbated by the fact that im
a licensed stylist and have access to goodies at a discount. I'll also
be trying my new Neutrogena Wave tonight, but that's a different blog
for a different day...be back with an update!

The olive-honey-moist mix went on really easily, no clumps, no lumps. It
took a little mixing...alotta mixing...and we all know im lazy! So here
I lay with a food lion bag on my head and a satin scarf to hold it all
together. Hopefully to crumple crumpl won't keep me up. HOW did people
sleep with Jheri curls?!?!

Up next, rinse well, cold shot and shea butter. Im currently trying to
live without my fantasia IC gel. I wish I knew how to quit you!!! I just
feel like you can't go through h-e-double hockey sticks for softer
moisturized hair then gel it up. Besides, I want my natural curls to
come out and play, frizz and all. And ramen noodle head is SO not the

Whoo! Time to go!! New episode of split ends is on!! SHHHH!!!!
Signed...La Trabrasera

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