19 October 2009

Chris Rock...political...are you serious?!

Some people goin be mad bout this jawn...

Im like soooo waiting for the lady from the V8 commercial to come bop
someone on the head!

Now, I love...LOVE hair. Period. Relaxed, natural, pressed, real
fake...hair. So yes, Im chomping at the bit to see the movie Good Hair.
I wanna set up a field trip at work! But am I going to leave the theater
and immediately blog about the lack of EDUCATION and his BIASED opinions
on relaxers vs natural hair??

Yea...it aint that serious.
Any chance to see a bronner bros hair show is a good day for me. As a
creative and open minded person, I know art can be created using any
medium. If a dude can paint with his genitals, how is it any less
creative to make a dress and matching head piece out of hair?? Coonery
you say? But its alright for Tyler Perry to dress up like an overweight
black woman, smoke, curse and blaspheme? You'll go gatcha hair did to
see some TP! SMH...

Its a MOVIE. The point of the movie was to entertain, not educate. If
you were enlightened upon leaving the theater, then bully for you. But
the whole thing is about as deep as a puddle: weaves are, and always
have been, hella entertaining. From the days before D L Hughley, Don DC
Curry and the chick on Im Gonna Git you Sucka, being unbeweavable has
sparked many a side splitting session. Who doesn't know, either from
stories or first hand experience, that relaxers will take your hair
OUT?? (Put yo hand down heffa, I see that MC Lyte hair. Its paper thin)
there's a sheet of paper the size of a road map inside each box with
pictures and dos and donts in 27 different languages. The only people I
can understand being educated even partially by this movie are races
other than African Americans and that's only if they don't have any

Knowing what relaxers can do, and still choosing to say yes is just
that. A CHOICE. If I choose to relax my hair tonight, that's me doing
me. My daughter wanted a relaxer, just because. As her mother and a
licensed stylist, I know full well the dangers that can mean. And as a
licensed stylist and her mother I took EVERY precaution to make sure
that she was safeguarded from any damage that could occur from my
negligence. (Write that word down, NEGLIGENCE. Yall wikipedia that

In closing (because im getting more pissed the more I think about the
militant monas that reviewed the movie), the movie was entertainment. If
you took something valuable from it, cool beans. But no, there will not
be a sequel to shed light on the natural hair movement. You want some
light shed? Check out
And those are just the sites I check on a daily basis. Don't look to a
man that played a crackhead with a jheri curl to hip you up on pimpin.
Don't fool yourself, he did it for his daughters, but not to help them
with their hair, but with their college fund. If you're looking for
education, google, take a class or just open a book.

PS that's the face I make whenever I see someone with their fist raised
spouting off about the lack of education and bias coonery. That's my
fiancee, Kev. Love you honeeey!!

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